MatLab Links

  1. Matlab Tips from Caleb Bonilla
  3. Mastering MatLabs
  4. Mathlab demos from Steve Maddox at University of Nottingham
  5. CS170a Mathematical Models and Methods for Computer Science Winter 2003 by D. Stott Parker at UCLA
    with many MathLab and Maple Resource links
  6. Matlab Tutorial from
  7. Matlab Tutorial from - also links to other tutorials including
  8. Numerit less expensive program than Matlab
  9. Matlab at Indiana U including ref to Numerit, links to lots of Matlab resources...
  10. MAXIMA favorably compared to Mathematica in OOoforum Forum 25 Nov 2003
    MAXIMA is the original Lisp symbolic math program that gave rise to Mathematica
    has Great Lisp links too.
  11. Freshmeat survey Scientific/Engineering --> Mathematics
  12. PARI/GP multiprecision number theory environment can use GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library GMP
  13. Freshmeat:FrAid (Fr[actal] Aid)
  14. G. Keady's involvement with Mathematica at University of Western Australia Maths/Engineering/Physics
  15. Math Resource Linkst
  16. Mathematical Resources on the Web per

MatLab Primer

by Kermit Sigmon and Timothy A. Davis
many fundamental data type (classes) in MATLAB, each one a Multidimenstional array.!
A Matrix of one row or one column is a vector (row vectors and column vectors behave differently; they are more than one-dimensional arrays) A 1-by-1 matrix is called a scalar.

variable = expression or simply expression, where expressions are composed from operators, functions, and variable names. Evaluation of the expression produces a matrix.
omit variable = and the result is stored in ans automatically!

you can save the command windows dialog with the diary command:
diary filename which causes everything that appears subsequently on the screen to be written to the named file, or if no file is named, to a default file diary. Until dairy off. to resume recording to diary file, diary on.

Check out help cedit for info on command-line editing.

who lists variables currently in the workspace.
clear variablename removes the variable from the workspace; clear alone removes all non-permanent variables.
you can also right click on a variable in the Workspace Editor...

when you logout or exit MaTLAB, all variables are lost. However, you can invoke save and all variables will be written to a machine-readable file, matlab.mat. In a later MATLAB session, load restores the variables.

save myfile.mat works as expected...

Array Editor, a spreadsheet for matrices!. in workspace window, dbl-click on a matrix...

The Current Directory is where Matlab looks for M-files and for workspace (.mat) files that you load and save.
create a file (any text editory) called mymatrix.txt with two lines:

22 67
12 33
load mymatrix.txt and the matrix will be loaded from the current directory to the variable mymatrix (file extension .txt in this example can be anything except .mat)

dirlists the contents of the current working directory...

MatLab Notes

MatLab notes

Enter a magic square from the Renaissance engraving Melancholia I by the
German artist and amateur mathematician Albrecht Dürer.

A = [16 3 2 13; 5 10 11 8; 9 6 7 12; 4 15 14 1]

sum(A)   returns sums of columns (all 4 = 34)

A'  is transpose of A; result is implicity put in variable ans

sum(A')'  produces column of 34s - the result of transposing column sums on A'

diag(A)  produces diagonal terms list

sum(diag(A))  sums diag terms = 34

It is also possible to refer to the elements of a matrix with a single subscript, A(k). This is the usual way of
referencing row and column vectors. But it can also apply to a fully two-dimensional matrix, in which case the
array is regarded as one long column vector formed from the columns of the original matrix. So, for our magic
square, A(8) is another way of referring to the value 15 stored in A(4,2).

A = magic(3)

ans * A

simple algebra (neeb,noob,nub problem of 6-3-2003)
A = [1 1 0; 1 0 1; 0 1 1]
b = inv(A) -> 
b =
    0.5000    0.5000   -0.5000
    0.5000   -0.5000    0.5000
   -0.5000    0.5000    0.5000

r = [3 4 5]
b * r' ->
ans =
A * b ->
ans =
     1     0     0
     0     1     0
     0     0     1

From, Matlab tutorial
Finally, we will do a little piece of programming. Let a be the matrix 

              0.8  0.1
              0.2  0.9

and let x be the column vector 

We regard x as representing (for example) the population state of an island. The 
first entry (1) gives the fraction of the population in the west half of the 
island, the second entry (0) give the fraction in the east half. The state of 
the population T units of time later is given by the rule y = ax. This expresses 
the fact that an individual in the west half stays put with probability 0.8 and 
moves east with probability 0.2 (note 0.8 + 0.2 = 1), and the fact that in 
individual in the east stays put with probability 0.9 and moves west with 
probability 0.1. Thus, successive population states can be predicted/computed by 
repeated matrix multiplication. This can be done by the following Matlab 

       >> a = [ 0.8 0.1; 0.2 0.9 ]
       >> x = [ 1; 0 ]
       >> for i = 1:20, x = a*x, end

What do you notice? Is there an explanation? Is there a lesson to be learned? 

To make a graph of y = sin(t) on the interval t = 0 to t = 10 we do the following: 

  >> t = 0:.3:10;
  >> y = sin(t);
  >> plot(t,y)

The command t = 0:.3:10; defines a vector with components ranging from 0 to 10 
in steps of 0.3. The y = sin(t); defines a vector whose components are sin(0), 
sin(0.3), sin(0.6), etc. Finally, plot(t,y) use the vector of t and y values to 
construct the graph. 

Functions of two variables 

Here is how we graph the fuction z(x,y) = x exp( - x^2 - y^2): 

   >> [x,y] = meshdom(-2:.2:2, -2:.2:2);
   >>  z = x .* exp(-x.^2 - y.^2);
   >>  mesh(z)

The first command creates a matrix whose entries are the points of a grid in the 
square -2 <= x <= 2, -2 <= y <= 2. The small squares which make up the grid are 
0.2 units wide and 0.2 unit tall. The second command creates a matrix whose 
entries are the values of the function z(x,y) at the grid points. The third 
command uses this information to construct the graph. 


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last updated 9-26-2002,
6-4-2003, 12-12-2003, 8-5-2004, 12-16-2004 dek